Alright Treacle?
We thought you might like to know what's been going on with us recently. We've been watching A S**T LOAD of films. We've also got a few plans that are brewing and in the planning/development stages, including:
- "Operation Perfect Teaset presents My '80's Summer Camp" - a live comic theatrical production.
- "The Unprofessional" - a full length screenplay that is in development and looking for investment.
and, finally,
- "Happy Little Bunnies" - a screen adaptation of Pat's play "Playtime for the Suicidal". It's going to be a darkly comic horror musical. Imagine that? Lynne, Pat and Matt have been writing about what the teaser should be. Here's some of their conversings:
Lynne: Hello Matt. This from Pat - It'll be a simple shot of a man and his laptop. Darkened room, just his blood-covered face lit by the laptop and the rest in blackness. There'll be a bit of singing just before the following dialogue - the only bit of dialogue in the trailer, which is:
Man (Broad, Northern accent): Where's me willy?
Woman (Broad, Northern accent): er ... up me bum-bum?
Man: That's riight. It's up yer bum-bum.
Then Pat's voice will come in, cheesy voice, broad Northern accent:
"It's just like La La Land... We're bringing musicals back"
Then the title card "Happy Little Bunnies" with cheesy music and screams, then the whole screen turns red. And then - "A dark, musical comedy horror. Make sure you bring your kids". Or something like that... It's going to be wonderful. Imagine.
Matt: Yeah dark n funny is a perfect combo. My idea is perhaps shocking. But I think funny too. I had an idea that you'd see close ups of a man and woman making love, with quotes of the show over the top, it's tender, it's beautiful, lovely music over the top, all very nice. Perhaps we hear part of a duet, they're singing to each other whilst making love. Shots of their eyes staring at each other. Then a slightly wider close-up shot where we realise she isn't singing, he's actually operating her mouth with his hand. Then we pull out, the music stops and we reveal that the woman is dead, lying across a desk, the man is operating her corpse like a string puppet, we slowly pull back for the final narration as we just hear the sound of skin slapping skin as he pounds her. 'It's just like LA LA land....we're bringing musicals back'.... title card with happy cheesy music....then a wide shot where we see the man has stopped his pounding, and he's crying, heavily. 'A dark musical comedy, make sure to bring your kids'
Lynne: Aahhhh. Wowsers.
Matt: Is this perhaps a little dark? ... I also had a thought about a man typing into his computer, his face covered in blood, he's watching clips of something we don't see, but we hear songs from the show, he's muttering underneath his breath - 'Disgusting', 'Filth', 'sickening' - then we pull out to see that he's being pegged by a woman in full gimp gear. She says very matter of fact 'I think it's quite catchy'. Cut to title card, loud punk music. Cut back to man. 'Yeah, maybe'.
Patrick: I was thinking of having someone holding a knife in an animal mask in the wide. The new script has a masked killer. They could be waving.
Matt: Yes that sounds good. Just hanging out.
Maybe you can be there too but not in a mask? Maybe you say the final line - It's like La La Land.
Patrick: That's true. I could be in the line in a dress, with make up on.
Matt: I love that. Lets make something utterly deplorable.
Patrick: Yeah.
Lynne: Don't forget the point of this...
Matt: Hahahahah
Lynne: Which is to fund raise
(The conversation is still continuing.)