Well, baste our backsides! We're nearing the end of August, and what an August it's been at Rotten Park Road Central...
... and just like that, we have a streaming date! Make sure you keep it free so you can catch the full premiere live on YouTube. We will be gratefully accepting PayPal donations of ANY amount - click below to visit our event page for the contribution link!
As always, we want to thank you, our wonderful friends and followers, for your continued support - so to show our gratitude, here's our brand spankin' new show trailer! Let us know what you think... and keep an eye out for the rogue campsite critter.
Friday the 14th | The Legend of Camp Aztitz: Part 3D Official Show Trailer
We're pleased to announce our latest feature film 'Happy Little Bunnies' has been awarded 'British Film' certification from the BFI and is continuing its journey in the film festival application phase. Follow our social channels for updates on its progress!
Community Work | Education
Following on from the success of our 'Filmmaking in Lockdown' online video series, we have spent the past month delivering a 'Get Started In Film' course for young people - in partnership with the Princes Trust and the Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service. The course was adapted to run online and has engaged a group of young people from Staffordshire in learning new skills, and guided them in writing, creating, and producing short film projects. It was lovely to receive a letter of thanks for the community work we've facilitated over lockdown - we tried to take a picture of the thankyou letter and card, but Badger the Rescue Cat decided he wanted to be the main feature... obviously we don't mind as he makes a great model!
Keep in touch on our social channels - we're currently running a 'caption this' event for one of our most wholesome and disturbing rehearsal stills thus far... get your caption in for a chance at winning a Super Awesome Rad Surprise!